How to install Android 4.4.2 Kitkat in your Computer with bootable USB Flash Drive.

First you have to download Android-x86-4.4.2.iso. Click Here


Download Unetbootin. Click Here

Open Downloaded Unetbootin
>Select-     Diskimage
>Browse -  Android-x86-4.4.2.iso and Select this image.
>Select -    USB flash drive and Drives path Letter

Now your USB flash drive is ready for boot.

Now go to My Computer> Right click- Manage>Disk management
Create a disk partition at least 10GB

Now restart your computer.
>go to boot menu
>boot from USB Flash drive.
>Install android x86 to hard disk
>Select- Partition
>Do not format
>Install Boot loader
> Use memory at least 512MB

>Restart your Computer
>Select- Android
>Configure Android


NOTE: Some step may skipped here, Watch this video for clear concept.


  1. hello Hello, I am writing to tell you that I have a problem. entire installation process is perfect and everything works fine but my problem is the amount of storage I create a disk partition 10GB and when I launch the android system only recognizes 525 can someone help me?

    1. Hi.... Joel,
      Watch this video again and locate where (MM:SS) you stuck exactly.

    2. i have a problem here... i can't connect to the internet... used a small msi laptop ... it has linux installed

    3. Bro now I have successfully Installed Android on my Acer (windows 8.1) and now I want to get my windows 8.1 back Please help Me!!!!

    4. Bro I have successfully installed Android 4.4.2 on My Acer [windows 8.1] by booting from USB by following your guidelines and now I want to get Windows 8.1 back on my Laptop. Please Help me!!!!

    5. @Karun, Sorry for late reply! f you installed it in your hard disk then do not format that drive to uninstall android . Before format that drive you should fix MBR using your existing OS recovery DVD otherwise your system will not boot.


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